After upgrading to 8.3 we are seeing some HAL errors relating to localization
When loading a window using locale function we get
2017-03-07 13:20:53 SJ runtime error, hal stack is:HAL routine not found: VATZONEBUTTONSLABELSCAN
2017-03-07 13:20:53 SJ dump of call stack
example code that causes an error:
external function real VATZoneButtonsLabelsCAN(real,real,real,real);
v = VATZoneButtonsLabelsCAN(h5+30,v,170,16);
Changing the functions to ENG instead works fine.
What do we need to do to get SERP to recognize the Canadian window functions? I have the clcan.hob/sucan.hob files in the client hob directory, is there anything else needed?