Client Hansa.HDB
Operating system: Windows
Hi there,

We're looking at the latest version (8.5 2024-03-16) and we've noticed that the client side HDB file is now quite large (30MB) compared to the previous versions (1-2MB). What is the reason for this increase in size? Is there any other data being stored locally rather than server side in this new version?

We note the executable file has also got larger too - again, any reason we should be aware of?


Best wishes

Dave Briggs

No changes should have been made that would increase client's HDB file. Please try to delete HANSA.HDB from client folder and reconnect to server and check if it will grow to 30MB again.

We have not seen this in other environments running on current released version 2023-03-16.

Best regards,

Created by10:14 30 Apr 2024
Hi, No changes should have been made that would increase client's HDB file. Please try to delete HANSA.HDB from client folder and reconnect to server and check if it will grow to 30MB again. We have not seen this in other environments running on c
Hi again,

We have a customer on version 2021-04-21.

We have noticed an issue with the client hansa.hdb files increasing in size . We have seen this happening on our Windows Test Server but the customer is also now reporting the same issue on their Live system. They are reporting several instances where they have had to create a new client installation as the client stops responding periodically, or slows down, and we believe this is because the size of the local hansa.hdb has grown too big.

They kept hold of a copy of an example of a previous installation and we found that the hansa.hdb was 549MB. Re-installing the client worked okay for them and we found the same on our test server and deleting the hansa.hdb and re-connecting also works.

However during our testing the new hansa.hdb then starts to grow again. This doesn’t happen each time we create a new installation/hansa.hdb and we haven’t been able to pinpoint what triggers this, we’ve tried re-starting the service and updating the halcust but that doesn’t seem to be it.
We have looked back at the previous installations from our test server and our hansa.hdb’s had reached sizes of 425MB and 840MB.

We have done some checking on the Live system and it looks like something happens each time we log in.
Exactly five minutes after logging in there is an increase in the size of the hansa.hdb.
If you stay logged in to the system then no further increases happen, but if you log out and back in again there is another increase five minutes after you log in again.
So each time a user logs in, and stays logged in for more than five minutes then the client hansa.hdb increases in size. It's exactly 5 minutes after logging in that it increases, almost like something is polling.

Have you heard of anyone experiencing similar issues on different versions to the current version? The customer is mostly using Windows 10 but we are using both Windows 10 and 11 here and experiencing the same issue.
We just want to know what may be triggering it so that we can try and reduce the possibility of it happening, so any pointers as to what triggers it would be great.


Best wishes

Created by16:50 11 Jun 2024
Hi again, We have a customer on version 2021-04-21. We have noticed an issue with the client hansa.hdb files increasing in size . We have seen this happening on our Windows Test Server but the customer is also now reporting the same issue on their Live
Hi again,

We've been doing some investigation and we’ve identified that at the exact time the local client HDB file is increasing in size there is an entry in the local client log file that says:

“FAILED to add idle task UpdateUniversityCache because it is already running”

For the installations where the local HDB file is increasing in size, the entry in the log file only happens at the point the file size increases.

This entry also happens in the log file on installations where the local HDB file isn’t increasing in size but it may give us a pointer as to why the HDB file is increasing in size.

Have you any idea what the entry in the log file is on about and whether it’s possible to stop it trying to add to this University Cache or whether we can turn it off somehow?


Best wishes

Created by16:31 12 Jun 2024
Hi again, We've been doing some investigation and we’ve identified that at the exact time the local client HDB file is increasing in size there is an entry in the local client log file that says: “FAILED to add idle task UpdateUniversityCache b
Hello again,

More investigations into the growing size of the client HDB file.
We have found that the installations that have a growing client HDB file have "Using LRU Replacement" in the client log file when the client starts up. Installations that don't have the client HDB file increasing in size have "Using Clock Replacement" when SERP starts up.

It sounds like the growing client HDB file is some sort of caching issue connected with the "UpdateUniversityCache" line and "LRU Replacement" in the client log file - would that be correct?

I'm trying to think of ways to solve this, can you help please? So is there a way of either:

1. Force the client to be using "Clock Replacement" as apposed to "LRU Replacement"
2. or Turn off the University Cache

3. or both

Appreciate your help to resolve.


Best wishes

Yavuz Yigiterhan
Hello. We had few sessions on this previously.

I will be forwarding your updates to our technical resources. And wil get back to you.

Thank you for updates.

Thanks for good and detailed information!
Can you clarify, please, what exact version you are experiencing this on?
We have done some fixes to Uni cache this spring and we would suspect that the issues you are reporting should be fixed.
If you are experiencing this in a recent version, please report a bug and zip -> upload and share with us the HTB file so we could take a look.

Hi Martins,

We're experiencing this on version 2021-04-21 but we've only recently noticed it - I'm sure we would have noticed it before.

If you have done some work on Uni Cache in the Spring of 2024 would this affect the version 2021-04-21 that our customer is currently on? i.e. is the recent work on Uni Cache affecting a backend HansaWorld server or is this work affecting the newer version of Standard ERP?

Our current work around is to remove the offending HDB file and create a new one - is there another work around or fix for this? We're intenting to upgrade the customer later this year but would appreciate any known fixes/work arounds for their current version.


Best wishes

Created by15:36 26 Jun 2024
Hi Martins, We're experiencing this on version 2021-04-21 but we've only recently noticed it - I'm sure we would have noticed it before. If you have done some work on Uni Cache in the Spring of 2024 would this affect the version 2021-04-2
Hi again Martins,

Sorry, meant to ask, what is UniCache - is it the "University Cache" in Standard ERP that we see in the log file? - see previous messages above.


Best wishes

Hey all!

Yes - we are speaking about University Cache.

And no - our spring fixes won't affect in any way customers 3 years old version - they need to update =)

Created by18:59 29 Jun 2024
Hey all! Yes - we are speaking about University Cache. And no - our spring fixes won't affect in any way customers 3 years old version - they need to update =) Martins.
Hi there,

We have a customer on version 2021-04-21.

Despite renaming the local client HDB file and re-connecting to the server, after several logins, the HDB file grows in size almost doubling in some cases after the user has been logged in for a period of exactly 5 minutes. It stays the same size until they login again and then, 5 minutes after logging in, it increases in size again.

We have found that the installations that have a growing client HDB file have "Using LRU Replacement" in the client log file when the client starts up. Installations that don't have the client HDB file increasing in size have "Using Clock Replacement" when SERP starts up. However, the installations that don’t have the HDB file increase in size do eventually start to increase in size and then it doesn’t stop until we rename the HDB file – The HDB file will continue to grow once it’s started – always the same pattern, 5 minutes after login, we’ve had instances where the local HDB file is getting to over 1GB in size which makes the SERP system unusable as it’s so slow

From the log file, it sounds like the growing client HDB file is some sort of caching issue connected with the "UpdateUniversityCache" line and "LRU Replacement" in the client log file. This didn’t happen on the same version in 2023.

Can you tell me how to resolve this once and for all please? i.e. not a temporary fix of renaming the HDB file.

In my mind, options might be:

1. Force the client to be using "Clock Replacement" as apposed to "LRU Replacement"
2. or Turn off the University Cache

3. or both


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