"basketno" value in Webshop
Aldevinas Katkus
I can see that basketno value is used in many places like
case "addtobasket":

but I cannot find where it comes from. WebGetArg() gets the value from the POST or GET as far as I understand, but I cannot find "basketno" as an anywhere in the code.
Aldevinas Katkus
P.S. I am just trying to figure out why "add to basket" in the "productinfo" (e.g., http://localhost:1080/shop/productinfo/10106) page does not work, while it works in the "catalog", e.g, http://localhost:1080/shop/catalog/100.
Martin A.
Hi Aldevinas,

Apologise for late reply. My colleague David will have a look and reply asap.

Kind regards,
Martin Arnbom
David Delač
Hello Aldevinas,

How urgent is your case as I would require some assistance from my colleague to have an answer to this question? Please let me know so I can work on getting this resolved.

Best regards,
David Delač
Aldevinas Katkus
Created byDavid Delač12:47 24 Jun 2019
Hello Aldevinas, How urgent is your case as I would require some assistance from my colleague to have an answer to this question? Please let me know so I can work on getting this resolved. Best regards, David Delač
Well it's not urgent, but we are preparing the demo for the potential customer and it seems strange, that it is not possible to add an item to the basket (I found out in 2011 it was not possible too).
David Delač
Hello Aldevinas,

I've checked HAL and to me everything seems fine but behaviour that you are explaining might be cause of a blank basketno on that webpage. We need a repeatable situation for this to debug and test.

Best regards,
David Delač
Martin A.
Closing this post.

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