REST API>>PATCH record with multiple fields in main key
Paul Timms
Operating system: Windows
Using the REST API, is it possible to PATCH a record which has multiple fields in its main key? An example is DelAddrVc, whose main key consists of CustCode and DelCode. Looking at the manual, PATCHing a record requires the record "identifier" to be inside the URI, per the example below:

In UK sample data for example, I would like to PATCH delivery address with DelCode 001/1 for CustCode 001. (This might uncover another interesting point - what happens when the code contains a / ?)
Carolina Valentino
thanks to contact us, We ll answer you soon
Swati D.
Hi Paul

We are still waiting to get you a response, thanks for your patience

Swati 15.9
Omar Dottin
Hi Paul, yes it is. Please url encode segments and separate with /

Example: api/1/xxvc/001/001%2f1 if custcode is 1st segment

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Best Regards,
David Delač
Hi Paul,

Like Omar has mentioned this can be done. Example:

url = "" & UrlEncode("001/1") & "/" & UrlEncode("Bla/Bla/Bla");

Best Regards,
David D.
Swati D.
Hi Paul

PLease let me know if this was answered ton your satisfaction and we can now close this query

Many thanks

Swati 16.9
Paul Timms
Thanks, that's very helpful.
Paul Timms
Maybe this should be added to the REST API documentation?
Swati D.
HI Paul

Thats a good suggestion. I will pass that on to the PMs


Swati 22.9
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