MyStandard > Manage Users
Paul Timms
I set up a new user on MyStandard, and gave them the options to manage backups and view log files. When they logged in, they also see the following options, which they should not have access to:

Manage Users
Rebuild Database
Revert to Previous Version
Change Version
Change server data
Pijus Juodis

I cannot repeat the issue. When testing the only access that should not be there is Revert to Previous Version - this can be reported as a bug.

Is the user by chance marked as Administrator in the Partner Management section?

Best Regards,
HansaWorld team
Paul Timms
Hi Pijus

No they are not listed in Partner Management. The only two boxes ticked against their user are Down. Backups and View Log Files.
Swati D.
Hi Paul

Can we close this question? I assume its fixed?

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