Gastón Salomone

I would like to enable and test WebClient functionality. I followed hansamanual procedure to configure it but I was not able to enable it.

I configure webclient and after browsing to http://host:webport/startwebclient and receive waiting webpage and nothing happens.
In hansa.log server following messag "ERROR: Slave executable not found, can't launch web client" appeared.

I have some questions:
1) What is the correct procedure to make it work ?
2) All standard and customized Windows, reports, and documents are available throught webclient interface ?
3) Is it responsive ?
4) is there any roadmap for this feature ?
5) Does it work in all OS ?

Best regards

Dejan R.
Hi Gastone,

can you please provide Standard ERP version so we will try to repeat the issue?

Gastón Salomone

Version is 8.4 2018-03-21 (build 84191515), but I tried other ones and I got same problem.

If there is one versión that Works, please tell me and I test with that versión.

I need confirmation that this feature Works and also answer customer questions about how to implement this.

1) What is the correct procedure to make it work ? I found no manual about this.
2) All standard and customized Windows, reports, and documents are available throught webclient interface ?

3) Is it responsive ?
4) is there any roadmap for this feature ?
5) Does it work in all OS ?

Christoffer Riska
Created byGastón Salomone17:17 9 Jan 2020
Hi, Version is 8.4 2018-03-21 (build 84191515), but I tried other ones and I got same problem. If there is one versión that Works, please tell me and I test with that versión. I need confirmation that this feature Works and also answer customer que
I tested this with 8.5 (85330310) and the problem is present in this version also.
Dejan R.
Ok, thank you. Currently i'm waiting for answer from development department.
Pijus Juodis

Is your server in cloud or on premise? StandardERPServer-Slave is required to launch the web client.

Regarding your questions:

1. It does work in the latest released version, but it depends on where the server is located. I have tested with a local test server, and made sure it has StandardERPServer-Slave executable inside.
You can find more detailed manual here: http://www.hansamanuals.com/main/english/mailnumber___61141/theconf___563/manuals/levelzero___61127/version___85/hwconvindex.htm

2. Yes, there should be. If you cannot find something you are looking for, please report a bug (development might move it to a wish, if it was not intended to be included to a web client)

3. As far as I know, it is not fully responsive
4. To my knowledge, it is not the top priority currently on the development plan
5. Yes, it should work on all OS

Best regards,
Paul Timms
If you're using 64-bit Linux server, you need to create a symbolic link from StandardERPServer64-Slave to StandardERPServer-Slave, otherwise it doesn't work. This is a bug I reported many years ago.
Christoffer Riska
After creating symlink (ln -s StandardERPServer-Slave StandardERPServer64-Slave
) and accessing through webclient, the server crashes.
Pijus Juodis
Even with symbolic link the server should still have StandardERPServer-Slave executable.

What do you see in the log when the server crashes?
Christoffer Riska
Nothing odd in the log.

This is the only message I can see in the terminal window of the server when it crashes:
Sat Jan 25 19:51:27 EET 2020: hansa exited, sleeping for 5 seconds

Sat Jan 25 19:51:32 EET 2020: starting hansa
2020-01-25 19:51:32 HansaWorld 8.5 (33) for Linux, (64-bit pointers, 64-bit db access) starting

Strange that the above 3 lines never get written to the log.
Christoffer Riska
Tried it once again and now I get this in the server terminal window:

Segmentation fault
Sat Jan 25 19:56:13 EET 2020: hansa exited, sleeping for 5 seconds

Sat Jan 25 19:56:18 EET 2020: starting hansa
2020-01-25 19:56:18 HansaWorld 8.5 (33) for Linux, (64-bit pointers, 64-bit db access) starting

On which country's specific version did it work? I have just tested it on the SERP South African 8.5 November version and all it displayed on the browser is the following:

Pasting Special
Running Report
Opening Window
Logging In

These are not even links that one can click.

My server is Linux Centos 7 and with or without the symbolic link it gives the same result.
When i checked the hansa.log file, it is looking for the following files.

2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/css/webclient.css
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/jquery.js
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.css
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.cus tom.css
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/jquery-ui.js
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/webclient.js
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.js
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/icons/5005y.png
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/icons/5005r.png
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.css
2020-01-26 07:56:54 Web file not found: webclient/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.cus tom.css
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/jquery-ui.js
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/jquery.js
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/css/webclient.css
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/webclient.js
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.cus tom.css
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.js
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.css
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/icons/5005y.png
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/icons/5005r.png
2020-01-26 07:57:01 Web file not found: webclient/jquery-ui.js
2020-01-26 07:57:02 Web file not found: webclient/webclient.js
2020-01-26 07:57:02 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.js

2020-01-26 07:57:02 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.css
2020-01-26 07:57:02 Web file not found: webclient/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.cus tom.css
2020-01-26 07:57:04 Web file not found: webclient/css/webclient.css
2020-01-26 07:57:04 Web file not found: webclient/jquery.js
2020-01-26 07:57:04 Web file not found: webclient/jquery-ui.js
2020-01-26 07:57:04 Web file not found: webclient/webclient.js
2020-01-26 07:57:04 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.js
2020-01-26 07:57:04 Web file not found: webclient/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.cus tom.css
2020-01-26 07:57:05 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.css

2020-01-26 07:57:05 Web file not found: webclient/icons/5005y.png
2020-01-26 07:57:05 Web file not found: webclient/icons/5005r.png
2020-01-26 07:57:05 Web file not found: webclient/webclient.js
2020-01-26 07:57:05 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.js
2020-01-26 07:57:05 Web file not found: webclient/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.cus tom.css
2020-01-26 07:57:05 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.css
2020-01-26 07:57:05 Web file not found: webclient/icons/HansaGlobe16x16.png
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/css/webclient.css
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/jquery.js
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.cus tom.css
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.css
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/jquery-ui.js
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/webclient.js

2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.js
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/icons/5005y.png
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/icons/5005r.png
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.cus tom.css
2020-01-26 08:02:18 Web file not found: webclient/facebox/facebox.css

i have the webclient folder on the server but that folder simply contains the following
HansaWorld-Slave (folder)


I then renamed the webclient folder in the server folder and copied the webclient folder in web/webclient back to the server folder. so now it seems to find those files it wanted. but when i try to login via the browser, it gives me the MessageBox "Not Logged In".

What does "Not Logged In" means ?
Pijus Juodis
I don't know how the South African package is setup, so I will ask our South African Product Manager to look into it.

I have tested with UK package and sample data.

I will ask our Product Manager to leave a comment when he investigates the package setup.
Christoffer Riska
The FI (Finland) version does not work at all and crashes the server: hansa exited, sleeping for 5 seconds
Gastón Salomone

I will download UK Demo, do some test and get back to all of you. I have similar problems with Argentina SERP.
About symbolic link,if that step is necesary, manual must be updated with all information required to setup webclient without guessing what is missing.

Gastón Salomone

I´ve just downloaded UK SERP version from StandardInstall, version 8.5 2020-01-07 (build 85330517).
Both Windows and Linux server application.

After configuring Windows SERP server as hansamanual specify, I get following error:
2020-01-28 09:40:48 RunProgram failed with result 5
Browser keeps waiting for webclient redirect and start.

On Linux SERP Server, no web client start automatically.
I do the following test...

1) Rename HansaWorld-Slave file to StandardERPServer-Slave
Webclient folder is created but waiting message keep going. No redirect to 1201 webclient process
Webclient started at 1201, this cannot be modified. Besides my httpport is 50080. SERP should start webclient in 50081 not 1201 as that port is usually blocked in some customers servers.

2) I browse manually to http://x.x.x.x:1201/ and "File Not found" webpage appear.
3) I copy entire web folder from standard halcust nothing same file not found error
4) In some test "Language not defined in the Languages on Web setting: en" appears un hansa.log

Please to avoid keep doing more test, can HW prepare a tutorial how to enable WebClient, also it would be good to make a video showing us how to setup this module.

I need to give a customer some answer.

Best Regards

Pijus Juodis

I have double checked about your question regarding ports.

On another note, we do have a bug report for 64-bit Linux servers and web client, so we will try to prioritise it. Just a note, that it was not repeatable in our cloud servers, where it works fine. Hopefully, that will work as useful information for our developers who will fix this bug.

Best regards,
Gastón Salomone
I Will create a bug report, but what versión are you installing in your cloudservers ? One downloaded from StandardInstall or versión downloaded by CN.

If versión published in StandardInstall is not the same as the one in HW cloud servers, please can you specify where to download that versión.

Manual provide us the steps to setup Webclient, If We cannot make it work, it doesn´t matter what versión HW is using. Webclient is a feature offered by SERP that anyone, anyplace, in anyserver must be able to setup easy.

Did you test in your computer with manual download and manual install? Is there any way to have a demo versión in you cloud server so I can do test with your working versión ?

Best Regards
Created byGastón Salomone15:38 29 Jan 2020
I Will create a bug report, but what versión are you installing in your cloudservers ? One downloaded from StandardInstall or versión downloaded by CN. If versión published in StandardInstall is not the same as the one in HW cloud servers, please can
I tested with a manual download from standardinstall and manual install on centos 7 64bit. The version I tested on is South African version 8.5 2019-11-04 build 85330003 linux server. We can test on my test server, we can get in touch via my email address tendai@trutechsol.com
Pijus Juodis

Gastón, I added access to your StandardID, server name: Partner-Test-2.

You can open webclient directly from MyStandard.

Regarding ports, there is a parameter:
--webclientportrange XXXX YYYY

where XXXX and YYYY are port range which will be assigned to web clients.

Gastón Salomone

Thanks for enabling me a test.

I checked that test but I test same versión and I cannot setup same webclient in my server.
I can see throught File Manager that there is no hob, webclient, or halcust folder. Either any executable to check filenames and if they are same file from standardinstall.

I need to reproduce this test with any versión downloaded from standardinstall. I understand that in HW Cloud Server something is already automated and everything works flawlessly.

But This process must be reapeatable with our standardinstall versions and servers.
I can download a serp client application from that test but not server so i cannot setup same environment in my server.

Please test in your machine with a server versión from standardinstall webpage and confirm us that Its working and what are the steps to enable webclient.

Pijus Juodis
As I said, there is a bug report for Linux 64-bit servers. What we can already conclude, that it is only repeatable in on-premise installations and NOT repeatable in our cloud. This is valuable information and it should help our developers to fix the bug quicker.

Best regards,
Gastón Salomone

Ok. Thank you very much for your help !!!

Christoffer Riska
Any idea how soon a fix can be released?
Pijus Juodis
No, but I will inform on this post as soon as it gets fixed
Christoffer Riska
Can someone, please, mark this question as open again, so that it can be found under "Open Questions"
Christoffer Riska
Created byPijus Juodis08:40 6 Feb 2020
No, but I will inform on this post as soon as it gets fixed
Has this been fixed?
Pijus Juodis
No, our development department says it is on our roadmap for the next quarter.
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