Item status is going crazy

Is there a way to force the system to recalculate an item's status.

My client has an item with 1 in stock and 2 on an order that is currently being picked.

The Item shows 1 in stock.
Order shows 2 ordered
Del shows 2 ordered 1 available but shipping 2 (first strange thing. I fixed that manually)

My issue is the Item Status bar show -4 on order and this say 5 shipable and the system is not detecting that this item needs to be sent to production as stock is short. Is there a reliable utility I can use to have these numbers on the status bar recalculated?

Thanks in advance,

Giuseppe L.
Hi Wayne,
thank you for reaching out to us with your case.
We are checking if this can be repeated and will update you as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

HansaWorld Italy
Dejan R.
Hi Wayne,

If the figures in the 'Item Status' window are not correct, you can have them recalculated. To do this, go to the Technics module and run the 'Recalculate Item Status' Maintenance function.
If a figure is still incorrect after running this function, change to the Database Maintenance module and enter the Item Number in the Log Item Status Updates setting. Then run the 'Recalculate Item Status' Maintenance function again and open the "hansa.log" file (the server's "hansa.log" file in a multi-user system). Each transaction that affects the Item Status will be listed, which may help you find the cause of the error.

I suggest you to first test on "Test system" and not Live!

I will try that one. I understand fully shy run on test first.

Yesterday I decided to try the Recalculate Order quantity that is under maintenance -> Sales Orders

Did not select the "Include closed orders" - ran what I though would be a non-intrusive routine but it went in and unclosed all the client's closed orders. Needless to report that they vex like crazy!!!

I am taking aback up to run a report of all the order that were closed so that I can go in and manually close up all the orders that got unclosed. Should I be reporting a bug on this? What does this utility do as the manual did not say that anything this dangerous would happen?
Okay figured out what happen with that maintenance routine. The system is set to auto-deliver plain and service items. No delivery exists so that routine seems to have put every order in the system as Outstanding order as it removed the counts on Flip D for all items that are auto-delivered.

Now all 7000+ orders are saying they are outstanding.

Going over each one manually and marking them delivered.

Going to take a life time.

GOOD NEWS - "Recalculate Item Status" this worked.

Is there a tool that will go over all the orders and mark all plain and service items as del and "del" "ok" as far as the Flip D goes on a Sales Order? Getting stiff hands doing this manually. Un'ok, savr, ok, save...6000 more to go.
Going back to Sales Orders->Maintenance-> Recalculate Sales Quantities.

It seems to ignore flags.

So, Auto-deliver Plain and Service Items is set to on but the utility will not find deliveries for them and resets fully invoiced Sales Orders to having Del and Del Ok cleared on Flip D of the SO. Which wa auto-delivered.

Also found the if Credit Invoice Updates Invoiced Quantity (AR -> Settings) the utility will still update the Invoiced Quantity on the Sales Order putting that order back into Outstanding Order state.

Should this be reported as a bug?

The issue I see here is that as this customer using a plain item on every order that maintenance routine simply has the effect for marking every order in the system as being Outstanding as each plain item is marked as a 0 for Del and a 0 for Del Ok Should it not pay attention to the auto deliver flag and make sure the SO is not touched in that area or at worse update the SO to have plain and service items show as del and del ok?
Further to the above we gave up trying to find a utility that would work on those items and did a full export and reimport of the database in order to fix the item that thinks it has -1 on an order and the other item that does not think it has any stock or any on orders.

This did not work.

Can anyone at HansaWorld suggest a further ste to get this matter resolved?

Greatly appreciate your assistance.


Omar Dottin
Hi Wayne, can you please try importing this db in a Mac OS client test environment and let us know if you have the same issues?


Omar Dottin
Update: Hi Wayne, after speaking with you, we have noticed that the client settings currently

- Allow delivered qty greater than ordered
- Allow over delivery
- Allow over receiving

This is why the item status will be showing negative values at times. Please update us on if this issue is solved. Thanks!

So this was something that seems like it could be the issue. I need to understand how the system is calculating the "Order" count if I am to convince the client that those settings could be the issue. My concern is that the system shows

inventory 0; Order -1; P. Order 0; Shippable 1

When you click on Order you get a blank report.

How is this being calculate so that I can go into the system and do the manual calculation to demonstrate the to client issues as being seen.

Thanks in advance,

So we discovered by inspecting the code that when the user selects to allow over delivery of items, the Recalculate Item Status deliberately ignores Good Return records and when the GR has "Credit cust for item" set for the GR, this utility ignores counting the item on the GR.

We fixed the system by un-checking this setting and re-running the Recalculate Item Status routine under the Techniques -> Routines -> Maintenance. Then going back and selecting this setting again. System is now fixed.

Our question is - Can anyone explain the logic behind why this is done this way?

Have be damaged anything by doing what we did/what is the potential for us damaging a client's system when we do this?

Thanks in advance.
Omar Dottin
Hi Wayne,

Can you please specify the system path to exactly where you unticked the setting?

There are a number of settings related to Returned goods

In Inventory Module >> Settings >> Returned Goods Settings
you have options to reduce
- Delivered Qty
- Ordered and Delivered Qty
and the option to allow returned goods not linked to orders

In Purchase Order settings there is also an option to not Allow Returned goods from Orders

We will better assist you with this info thanks!

Hi Omar,

Inventory -> Settings > Inventory Setting -> Allow Delivered Quantity Greater than Ordered

Hope this helps.

PS: Did you guys notice that the system no longer tells me when an update was done to a posted question?

Bye for now,

Omar Dottin
Hi Wayne, thanks for the information, we will look into the portal notifications.

- If over-delivery is ticked and you deliver more than you have in stock, the system logically does not know what the extra items are worth

- If the customer returns those items, then again the system has no idea of their worth

- However, the system should at least pay attention to items if they are not in negative stock.

This is why the maintenance routine worked when you un-ticked that setting.

I hope that this explanation of the system logic helps :)

We will do further investigation on possibly making enhancements to this in the future and will let you know of any improvements

Thanks for all the help. A least we can now get around the issue and the client is now happy.
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